Use "strongman|strongmen" in a sentence

1. He is a strongman.

2. Washington's agony is a win for Autocrats and strongmen

3. Mr Akayev , the strongman, was a northerner.

4. Is a strongman needed to restore civil order?

5. He is determined to bring down the Iraqi strongman.

6. Marxists have used the term “Bonapartism” to describe the rise of such strongmen

7. The circus strongman had a beautiful wife and was terribly jealous.

8. Chillaxed Vladimir Putin cultivates strongman persona with holiday adventures

9. He was a military strongman who ruled the country after a coup.

10. Boards are becoming more independent and professional, rendering the old - style strongmen ever more of an anachronism.

11. The strongman had given the lion tamer mouth-to-mouth, and saved his life.

12. The strongman and the human cannonballs reunited, showing off old scars, and new ones.

13. There has been a great deal of talk about you competing in Strongman events.

14. Azerbaijan's president is Ilham Aliev , who inherited the job from Heidar, his strongman father.

15. Welcome - strongman in his busy schedule here in our factory guidance, Gongxuyouqing total development plans.

16. In October he took the reins of Golkar, the party created by Indonesia's former strongman , Suharto.

17. Autocrats’ Quandary: You Can’t Arrest a Virus The world’s strongmen are reverting to their standard playbook to project an aura of control

18. Belarus's Alyaksandr Lukashenka , naturally sympathetic to the plight of a fellow post - Soviet strongman, offered him sanctuary.

19. The coachman resembled a carnival strongman, with well-developed muscles, a bald head and an oriental moustache.

20. Caudillismo is a system of political power associated with a Caudillo or "strongman," sometimes also thought to be a dictator

21. Synonyms: Autocrator, despot, dictator, monarch, tyrant, strongman; A title borne by some such monarchs, as in Byzantium and tsarist Russia

22. This confusion , plus the abrupt appearance of Messrs . Saleh and Latif , suggests that the race to fill the position of strongman has begun .

23. The strongman will be as tinder and all his work a spark: both will burn together and no one will quench the fire.

24. Salvador’s Leader, Combative but Popular, May Tighten Grip in Elections Nayib Bukele, who has drawn criticism abroad for his strongman displays, is …

25. In 1992-95, Serbia under then-strongman President Slobodan Milosevic backed nationalist Bosnian Serbs in a devastating war to purge Bosnia of its Muslims and Croats …

26. In 1992-95, Serbia under then-strongman President Slobodan Milosevic backed nationalist Bosnian Serbs in a devastating war to purge Bosnia of its Muslims and Croats …

27. Another definition of Caudillo is “strongman” and in this guise, they have spread from the political to the economic and even into the family structure of modern Mexico

28. ‘a Compelling film’ ‘Both draw their power from the Compelling image of the strongman posing as the common man.’ ‘Despite these weaknesses, his film has many Compelling moments with strong performances from the leading actors.’

29. Kwaisulia of Adagege Kwaisulia was a strongman who parlayed exceptional personal talents and charisma and a sophistication in things and ways European into great local political power, exercised over a period of thirty years.

30. Take on the role of Beardy, a bearded strongman with questionably endless strength in his one arm, joined by his buddy Jorgy, a purple cat, to travel across the distant lands on a grand adventure.

31. ‘a Compelling film’ ‘Both draw their power from the Compelling image of the strongman posing as the common man.’ ‘Despite these weaknesses, his film has many Compelling moments with strong performances from the leading actors.’

32. ‘In 1871, a liberal Caudillo or military dictator, Justo Rufino Barrios, took power and ruled as president from 1873 to 1885.’ ‘Despite the quite significant role of labor confederations, political life in Honduras has been dominated by civilian Caudillos and military strongmen.’

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34. Caudillo, Latin American military dictator.In the wake of the Latin American independence movement in the early 19th century, politically unstable conditions and the long experience of armed conflict led to the emergence in many of the new countries of strongmen who were often charismatic and whose hold on power depended on control over armed followers, patronage, and vigilance.